Our Homeschool


Homeschooling is a huge part of our home life. While education of our children is obviously a key element to this, it is a lifestyle that has allowed our family to step off the culture, expectation driven conveyor belt of American life to design a world that may not have been “easy” or understood, but ours.  This page, selfishly is for me as an electronic scrapbook, but also for you fellow homeschooler or perhaps someone considering homeschooling as an insider’s lens to how our home embraces this lifestyle of learning. 

Our Homeschool Mantra written July 23, 2013

We homeschool to give our planet a chance, to change the world, to reintegrate our relationship to the Natural World.

We homeschool to give our kids a fighting chance to see, experience and live a life in touch with time, family, being outdoors, focused on the heart and not achieving.

We homeschool to keep connection at the forefront of all our actions.

We homeschool to remove our children from indoctrination.

We homeschool because we believe the public school no longer meets the needs of the current student.

We homeschool to choose adventure.

We homeschool to mentor our daughters in how to think, not what to think.

We homeschool to help our three young ladies find their voices, not be an echo chamber.

We homeschool because it was destined to be part of our story.



Our Week – October 9th –                        A Season of Reflection

Our Week – October 9th – A Season of Reflection

Lots of Time for Reflection now that all our kiddos are in high school and college. Here is sweet Miko in our early days of freedom to do what we wished with our days and time. Bravewriter Book Reveal Preparations for 2022-23 Read Aloud! I put clues on back of wrapped...

The Effects of Traveling  from a Young Age

The Effects of Traveling from a Young Age

The Effects of Traveling from a Young Age - as told by the voice of Rockonliving's eldest daughter, Kayah (age 16) for her English 101 Class. Our family trip to Stonehenge, England             Everyone, at some...

Rockonliving Damn Delicious  Meal Planning

Rockonliving Damn Delicious Meal Planning

When we began homeschooling, one key element to our day that wasn't even a blip on my radar and I totally underestimated was being the cafeteria lady. While this subgroup of humans (homeschoolers) poses a unique challenge to meal planning, this topic is relevant to...

BHAG’S & Teens – Ten reasons you should say “YES!”

BHAG’S & Teens – Ten reasons you should say “YES!”

BHAG's - ever heard of that acronym before? If not, let me share. Backstory: BHAG is a term I was introduced to by my homeschool-mentor-guru, Julie Bogart. I believe it originally was coined in the business world, but it stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goals.  Awhile...

The Jump

The Jump

Hey Friends! Happy summer! Although my blog doesn't reflect it, I have been diligently writing. I have almost completed the revision, additions and changes to my first book - well, book may be a stretch...how about a collection of thoughts? The book is in the final...

The Ultimate Goal of Childhood: Finding their Voice

I believe we all just want to be seen - heard. In a world full of business, achievement, confusion, social media, disconnect, technology and fear we can feel so insignificant and maybe frustrated that our true selves are not being heard... Our voices - heard.  Our...

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