Homeschooling continues to evolve and offer glimpses of a finish line in the distance. With our oldest graduated and in her second year of college, our middle now a senior in high school and our youngest not far behind, I see myself more in a role of ATM, logistics coordinator, guidance counselor and much smaller hands-on participant in their actual courses of study. They have and are transitioning beautifully into independent learners who manage their lives very well most days. I find myself with more time, which also has found me in a far more reflective state on our homeschool journey lately. I hate to admit it, but it is so true, the days may be long, the years have flown by my sweet mama friends. There were seasons I felt like I was buckling under the weight of all the responsibilities I was juggling, but now, that we are on the other side, I look back in awe of what we accomplished, some sadness and longing and the peace of a job well done. It is worth it ya’ll – I pinky promise.