IMG_2144 (2)“I don’t know what I’m doing, but…

…that has never stopped me before.”  That was something my husband said this week on Periscope.  Periscope, for those of you unfamiliar is like ‘live’ blogging.  He has become interested in this social media platform and just jumped in and went for it.  I, on the other hand, am always a little slow to test the waters.  I have wanted to blog and write for over a year now, and with his one statement, “I don’t know what I’m doing, but that has never stopped me before” I became inspired, to listen to my whisper and decided to just go for it! Julie Bogart, one of my Momma Rockstar gurus wrote in her book A Gracious Space, “follow inspiration whenever and wherever she leads (she is not a lengthy visitor) — So…here we go…thank you for walking side by side with me.