


Today our family hit the half way mark of our road!  We enjoyed a gorgeous drive back to The Grand Tetons in Jackson, Wyoming.  We timed the leaving of the hotel to enjoy the sunrise in the wide open spaces – and nature did not disappoint…when we arrived back in Jackson, we picked up our second rental vehicle of this trip. Most rental car companies charge a much larger fee when you want to pick up and drop off a vehicle in different locations.  For example, our trip began in Jackson, Wyoming and will end in Albuquerque, NM.  Due to the map/route of our trip it saved us a significant amount of money to rent three different vehicles over the two week journey.

There was a happy little pixie dust sprinkled on this rental and due to the magic of the awesome counter staff we were upgraded to a brand new Suburban (never drove one before, LOVED it!) with a sunroof!  While we did not plan this, it turned out to bring some awesome excitement to our drive (changed it up a little) and luckily for us, on the most beautiful drive of our entire trip.



We stopped at the base of the Tetons and enjoyed a picnic lunch and took advantage of some photo opportunities.  We did not plan time to hike or explore the Tetons on this trip, but will for sure be on our list next time!


The drive through Idaho from Jackson to Salt Lake City is absolutely beautiful!  The landscape changes many times and there is so much to see.  Other than potato farms, I never realized the amount of farming that occurs in Idaho!  Like life, the drive is the trip, not just the destination!

At one moment, the girls were all just relaxed enjoying the views, our sunroof was open, the sun was warming us, Quinn and I were holding hands and Bruce Springstein came on the radio —  it was one of those perfect moments in life you take a mental selfie and hope you never forget.


We arrived in Salt Lake City in the early evening and checked into our hotel.  The hotel was a newer facility and it felt great to unwind and relax before going to sleep.  A long night of rest was in order for this family in preparation for another day of exploration in Salt Lake City, Moab Arches National Park tomorrow. Peace.



Our Hotel Lobby in Salt Lake City, Utah