Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Rockonliving is growing! The collaborative and creative juices are flowing here at Rockonliving and we are excited to announce that we are working on creating travel guides for the places we visit with more detailed information. For example, does the Octagonal home we mentioned in our Yosemite trip interest you? In our Yosemite Guide, we will provide booking, contact information, pricing and things to consider booking this home in California. These guides will also include feedback and input from all the members of the Rockonliving family! You will hear from Quinn, Vickie and our teen/tweens share their input on traveling. From the more practical adult input to perspective of a 10 year-old that wished to do nothing but “buy cheap crap” in Paris! We hope to share our lessons learned and make it easier for you to begin planning your Adventures! We are super excited! The blog is evolving and launching soon – Stay Tuned!